Paul and Rhe Bicycle Across America

06/17/24 The Poudre Canyon is a beautiful place to ride because of the scenery and slower traffic. Lots of rafters this time of year, too.

Video 2024-06-28

06/17/24 We stayed at the Poudre RV Resort, where we had a cabin with a kitchen for cooking. And it was Rhe’s night to cook with Molly. And the cooks got first choice to sleep in the cabin. First time dinner duty paid off!


06/18/24 Today we climbed Cameron Pass, the highest pass on our ride at 10,286 feet. We followed the Poudre River to its source, then coasted downhill to Walden, CO.


06/18/24 We stayed at the City Park at Walden, where a moose frequently grazes. Never saw the moose, but were eaten alive by the mosquitoes! Brielle and Peter were our dancing chefs that evening. The sunset was lovely outside my tent flap.


06/20/24 date correction. On to Wyoming, our 12th state plus the District of Columbia. This day was magnificent! We had the most beautiful scenery, little traffic, and a tailwind. We passed several humongous cattle farms along the way. Think Kevin Costner and “Yellowstone” big.


06/20/24 We stayed at the Agape House in Saratoga, WY. There is a hot spring there, and we soaked in a pool in the North Platte River. The church that runs the Agape House also had a Hope House and a labyrinth next door.


06/20/24 Oh, yeah. And we entered Wyoming!


06/21/24 Then on to Rawlins. This was a hard day because 1) we rode 13 miles on I-80, and 2) we had strong headwinds. There are 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse for bicyclists: Heat, Humidity, Hills, Hounds, and Headwinds. We have left behind humidity, and for the most part, hounds. But the Headwinds….


06/21/24 Spent the night at Rawlins in an RV park. First biked through Sinclair, where the West’s most modern oil refinery is. Also they had two bucks in velvet in their city park. We stopped at a Tea House in Rawlins.


06/21/24 Instead of going to the dusty, windy RV Park, we decided to visit the old Wyoming State Penitentiary. Opened in 1902, closed in 1981, this was not a place you wanted to be in. Tiny cells, cold, cold conditions, and inhumane conditions persisted. Paul had better make the coffee, or….


06/21/24 The really bad movie called “Prison” was filmed here in 1987.


06/21/24 Afterer the tour, we found our RV Park and lived through a majestic storm while dinner was prepared. We held our map meeting in the Laundry Room to avoid the wind.


06/22/24 Next morning, on to the church at Jeffrey City. More headwinds. We passed Split Rock, where wagon trains passed and the Pony Express had a station. Saw a real cowboy rope a calf to check on it, but only from far away.


Rhe E Zinnecker @PaulnRhe