07/01/24 On to Wisdom. This involved two passes, headwinds, and thunderstorms. And Rhe had on the wrong bike shorts given her current butt issues. It was another tough day. The pictures show a mix of old and new architecture in a house in Dillon and other interesting clouds and landscapes.
07/01/24 Because of a snafu with scheduling, we stayed at the Nez Perce Motel in Wisdom. There were llamas in a pen behind the motel and they made the funniest sounds! Until it started to hail, and then she just laid down and twitched her ears.
07/01/24 Because of the weather, and reports of rabid mosquitoes when the storm cleared, we had dinner at the bar across the street. It was pizza, and it was good. We also saw a familiar sign designating the US Bicycle Route 76. Haven’t seen that since last year in Illinois.
07/02/24 Today we climbed Chief Joseph Pass and rode through the Bitterrroot Valley. We passed the Big Hole Battlefield, but it wasn’t open yet. Then through the woods, over the pass, and on to Darby. Sorry, I used to be able to remove mistakes, but not now. What a lovely picture of my handlebar!
07/02/24 We entered Idaho for a brief moment at the top of Chief Joseph Pass, then back into Montana where we saw the house our nephew and nieces rented for a family reunion three years ago, and the movie set for Yellowstone!